About Our Current Platform
Last updated
Last updated
Stage recognizes and displays all NFTs that are within someones connected wallet. If a user has a communities NFT, then they are granted access to the community. If a user removes the NFT from their wallet or sells it to someone else, they will loose access to the community.
About this community
Community Teachers
Newsfeed for updates
Posts from members/announcements with comments and reactions
Upcoming events
Leaderboard of top members
Here is our course overview page that displays:
All courses within a community
A students progress on each course
Teacher of course
Total number of videos inside a course
Difficulty of course
Inside a single course displays:
Name of course
Description of course
Each individual video based broken down into chapters
What they will learn
Total number of points earned for completing course
Watch a video page displays:
Play button to watch the video
Total length of video
Total views of video
Reward for completing individual video
Q&A section for students to ask teachers questions about video
All members within a community
Profile pic, name, social handles, location and date they joined community
Public calendar of all community events:
Members can RSVP for events, see a description, whose is teaching and the other members attending.
Displays all courses
Total sales for each course
Total members who started the course
Completion rates
Metrics on individual videos within a course:
Ability to create new courses easily:
Easily view and manage team members:
View and manage members:
View and manage events:
Create new events:
Q&A Knowledge database:
A unique feature that is only available on STAGE.
All users can easily ask a question to teachers/community leaders.
Teachers get a text message notification that poses the question and lets them record their answers right from their phone or computer camera- inside of our platform: